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Heart-warming gesture

Heart-warming gesture

Richmond - The Editor, On Dec. 7, 2011, Richmond News published an article about Janet Flamand, called "Richmond mother knits to remember.
Stop relying on cellphones

Stop relying on cellphones

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Smartphones can dumb down kids," Letters, Dec. 18.Thank you Anna Toth and Mr. Cheung for expressing your ideas on Smartphone usage, and how it dumbs down kids. I could not agree more.
No planning here

No planning here

The refusal of the Conservative finance minister to embrace pension reform being pushed by the provinces is exceptionally shortsighted. It will result in long-term economic pain to support shortterm political opportunism.
The various wars on Christmas

The various wars on Christmas

There isn't actually a war on Christmas in the west, despite what you might have heard from talk radio and American right-wing news networks.
Time to reflect on city council

Time to reflect on city council

Richmond - The Editor, It is at Christmas time we are made most keenly aware of the community planning legacy that Malcolm Brodie and his minions at Richmond City Council will leave behind.
Thank you to West Richmond community

Thank you to West Richmond community

The Editor, Last week, the West Richmond Community Association held its annual Christmas dinner for West Richmond Community Centre staff, board members and volunteers.
Fuel protestors a minority

Fuel protestors a minority

Richmond - The Editor Re: "Jet fuel protesters mount legal challenge," News, Dec. 18.I think our mayor is just posturing for the next election.
BCEAO helps proponents

BCEAO helps proponents

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Jet fuel protesters mount legal challenge," News, Dec. 18.The recent environmental assessment and approval of the Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery project draws attention to what seems to be a glaring flaw in the process.
Make minimum income New Year's resolution

Make minimum income New Year's resolution

Richmond - The Editor, My sincere wish for 2014 is a "guaranteed minimum income" for all Canadians, sufficient to meet basic needs of accommodation and food. This should not be hard to achieve for a country like Canada.
Chamber of Commerce finds its voice

Chamber of Commerce finds its voice

After fumbling the ball during the HST debacle and remaining virtually silent during the Enbridge pipeline debate, the B.C.