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Why is there a coal-rush?

Why is there a coal-rush?

Richmond - The Editor, We've had mile-long trains of covered coal cars moving to the coast at least as far back as 1972.
Diamond still shines

Diamond still shines

The Editor, At the beginning of Charlotte Diamond's concert at Lansdowne Mall on Sunday she began by thanking her crew and asking where her friends from Gingerbread House Parent Participation Preschool were.
Mixed messages

Mixed messages

Exactly what have the B.C. Liberals been doing since winning the May election? We know they're not in the legislature, tackling issues and answering questions.
Smartphones can dumb down kids

Smartphones can dumb down kids

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Texting in class fractures focus," Column, Dec. 13.Thank you Anna Toth, Richmond News columnist, for your recent article, "Texting in class fractures focus."As a high school teacher, I believe this is a very timely topic.
Ikea loses customer

Ikea loses customer

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Union solidarity now part of Ikea dispute," News, Dec. 11.Ikea continues to use strike breakers in its attempt to break the union in this protracted seven-month dispute.
Trust goes down toilet

Trust goes down toilet

Richmond - The Editor, As I sat down to write this letter, I was thinking about the unimportance of what I had in mind when compared to the trials and tribulations of millions of people in the human family around the world.
Legal pot on the way

Legal pot on the way

Let's just consider it a trial balloon, or perhaps a trial doobie. Sensible B.C. - the group trying to spark a referendum on decriminalizing pot - has come up short.
Funding hopes fueled

Funding hopes fueled

Open letter to B.C.'s Education Minister Peter Fassbender: This letter follows a Sept. 20 School District 38 (Richmond) presentation to the select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services by the school board and our stakeholders.
They're waiting for my call

They're waiting for my call

Richmond - The Editor I understand the men and women of Richmond Fire-Rescue have been in their halls waiting for a call and I did not call them.
From a Black Hand to a digital grope

From a Black Hand to a digital grope

Modern technology is making life better and creepier at the same time. Extortion, of all crimes, is going through a major change right before our eyes.