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'Mystical' future in store for Steveston?

'Mystical' future in store for Steveston?

How can someone say they've seen the future, and it looks great? I can, when it's what Steveston could become if we carefully manage our rich, maritime history.
2014 is big year for city

2014 is big year for city

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "What we expect to make headlines in 2014," News, Jan. 3. It looks like a lot of competing choices for the headlines space for the year.
Not too late to battle flu

Not too late to battle flu

This flu season's prevalent strain is particularly nasty, already having sent a number of people to intensive care. It's also unusual in that it seems to be hitting younger people hardest.
Let's all improve this year

Let's all improve this year

It comes around like clockwork, the pledge to improve. When a set of stairs starts to resemble the Grouse Grind and previously loose fitting pants look like body paint we know it's time to make a change.
Calling foul play on rounding game

Calling foul play on rounding game

Richmond - The Editor, This morning, I went to shop at a grocery store in Richmond.As I was looking at the prices, I noticed that coconut milk was discounted at $1.29, so I decided to purchase six tins.
Pipeline dangers are hidden

Pipeline dangers are hidden

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Fuel protestors a minority," Letters, Dec. 20. In response to Mr. Malkoske, I think his sentiment, which is understood, but may be, respectfully, short-sighted.
Tentative look through 2014 crystal ball

Tentative look through 2014 crystal ball

It's that time of the year again, the time when reporters look back on the 2013 that was, and try to make predictions about the 2014 that's yet to show its true nature.
Marijuana has nothing on alcohol abuse

Marijuana has nothing on alcohol abuse

Richmond - The Editor, Why, exactly, is Richmond City Council presuppositionally against using the agricultural lands for growing medical marijuana? Presumably, growing grains (whisky) or grapes (wine) would be fine, even though recreational (no "med
White Christmas? Bah, humbug

White Christmas? Bah, humbug

White Christmas? Snow? Have you ever tried driving in the stuff? Yes, snow is beautiful, and it makes everything look fresh and pristine and virginal. But it hides an ugly truth.
You're now getting what you voted for

You're now getting what you voted for

Richmond - The Editor, We all know the fix is in, Harper and his trained seals have sold out to the oil companies, and British Columbia - be damned! The insulting "assessment" by the National Energy Board is an illustration of the old proverb, "who p