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Letter: Terry would have been proud

Letter: Terry would have been proud

Dear Editor, On Sunday, Sept. 20, a committed group of Terry Fox Run-Richmond participants and volunteers braved the high winds and bit of rain to come together at Garry Point Park to raise $18,029.00 for cancer research.
Letter: Jaded by election charade

Letter: Jaded by election charade

Dear Editor, Having voted over the last 40 years…I was going to retire this year from this increasingly futile exercise. However, a few weeks ago, one Saturday night, one of my riding’s candidates knocked on the door and introduced themselves.
Letter: Politicians fueled by ignorance

Letter: Politicians fueled by ignorance

Dear Editor, Re: “City raises safety concerns over jet fuel plan,” News, Sept. 15. Why would Coun. Alexa Loo ever accept the worst case scenario where the B.C.
Letter: Promoting English isn’t racist

Letter: Promoting English isn’t racist

Dear Editor, Re: “Racist tones thinly veiled,” News Sept. 25. Please help me understand.
Letter: Gravy train won’t stop

Letter: Gravy train won’t stop

Dear Editor, With regard to the “exclusionary signage and mega homes,” one thing to keep in mind about all this controversy is that a great many people and businesses have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
Letter: OCD: Don’t be ashamed

Letter: OCD: Don’t be ashamed

Dear Editor, In an average elementary school, there are likely five children suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). In a medium to large high school, there are typically 20 students battling OCD.
Column: Flying the flag of election paranoia

Column: Flying the flag of election paranoia

Anyone else fed up with the federal election yet? In case you hadn’t noticed — and you’d have to be blind, deaf, a recluse or a Blue Jays fan to not realize — a national election campaign has been running since Aug.
Letter: New life for election signs

Letter: New life for election signs

Dear Editor, After Halloween, pumpkins look ridiculous hanging around the front yard. Their once broad grin and bright triangular eyes melt into themselves and give the appearance of a 60s movie star in need of a face lift.
Letter: Loo dealing with reality

Letter: Loo dealing with reality

Dear Editor, Contrary to the Kelly Greene letter you published (“Loo forgets who voted,” Letters, Sept. 23), I think Ms. Loo and some others on council are doing their job.
Letter: Name-calling has to stop

Letter: Name-calling has to stop

Dear Editor, Re: “Racist tones thinly veiled,” Letters Sept. 25. I was dismayed to see an attempt to cast efforts to address foreign language signs as being driven by racism. Playing the race card is too easy, too convenient. It is also lazy.