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Pot laws are not about all or nothing

Pot laws are not about all or nothing

What is really at stake if B.C. follows Washington State and Colorado and successfully legalizes marijuana? Money, of course, that other green substance. Let's start with the estimated value of the illicit pot growing industry here in B.C.
Celebrate more, not less

Celebrate more, not less

The Editor, Re: "Keep sermon multireligious," Letters, Nov. 14. The writer who suggested that the Remembrance Day Sermon be edited to eliminate references to Jesus and Christianity is making the same mistake others have before.
On shoulders of giants

On shoulders of giants

I have some much-needed encouragement for anyone born since the 1960s. Let's first discuss the Golden Generation, those raised in the Great Depression and who fought and suffered for the sake of justice and freedom in the Second World War.
Fix Remembrance ceremony

Fix Remembrance ceremony

The Editor, Richmond Remembrance Day ceremonies were the worst that I have ever attended. The Last Post was not identified, neither was The Lament.
Richmond in 3D tackles bullying

Richmond in 3D tackles bullying

The Editor, The tragic death of 15-year-old Coquitlam girl Amanda Todd has brought the issue of bullying into sharp focus. This tragedy has created a kind of awareness about the curse of bullying never seen before.
UN needs restructuring

UN needs restructuring

The Editor, Every year, I participate in honouring those who gave their lives to protect their homelands and their kin and ask myself if I am doing anything to help establish what they died for - peace and indirectly, justice.
Cadets missing from poppy sales

Cadets missing from poppy sales

The Editor, Once again another Remembrance Day has passed. We all gathered to pay our respects and remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedom we enjoy today.
TV series a perfect match for Sister City

TV series a perfect match for Sister City

The Editor, Re: "Producer eyes Asian market," News, Nov. 9. It is wonderful to read your article about a Richmondite doing some-thing concrete to promote our city to the world.
Schools learn hard lesson

Schools learn hard lesson

A landmark ruling Friday by the Supreme Court of Canada is more than a victory for a North Vancouver family; it's a step forward for disadvantaged students across the country.
Keep sermon multireligious

Keep sermon multireligious

The Editor, I attended the Remembrance Day ceremonies on Sunday and felt humbled by the participation of the choirs, the current members of our military and the aging veterans.