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Remember, politicians work for us

The Editor, Somebody come up with a way of telling our politicians exactly what we do or do not want without voting for the lesser of two evils. Somehow they and we have forgotten they're our employees, hired to do a job.

The Editor,

Somebody come up with a way of telling our politicians exactly what we do or do not want without voting for the lesser of two evils.

Somehow they and we have forgotten they're our employees, hired to do a job.

An election promise is a contract with an employer, not a licence to run up the expense account and undermine our trust.

I do not want fish farms, oil tankers, pipelines, a $57-million museum in Richmond (seriously?) or a whole list of other concessions to financial interests other than ours.

I want "made-in-Canada", affordable housing and jobs for our kids and grandkids, and I want it now, dammit.

Why can't we make something worthwhile go viral in Canada, Gangnam Style?

Don't like what Harper's doing? Fire him. I'm sure we can find just cause in there somewhere.

Don't agree with a government policy? Say so, send a memo, call a board meeting, issue a warning, be a boss.

I'd like to say I feel better having vented, but not so much. There's just no place to take this, so I guess we just take it.

Gay McCoan Richmond