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RRSP investments need not be stressful

RRSP investments need not be stressful

A recent BMO Financial Group study says three-quarters of Canadians with an RRSP have made or plan to make a contribution before the deadline. Unfortunately, 60 per cent find it stressful. Contributing to an RRSP doesn't need to be traumatic.
News readers showed their love this V-Day

News readers showed their love this V-Day

My Dearest Arthur, You don't need to buy me diamonds, give me chocolates, bring me flowers. I just want to spend my days with you, all the minutes, all the hours. Put your arms around me. Let me feel your warm embrace. Whisper softly to me.
News readers showed their love this V-Day

News readers showed their love this V-Day

In such a short amount of time, we've been through so much. I'm so proud of you and everything you have overcome. I've never met a kinder and more thoughtful person, and you truly push me to be my best.
A time to consider roots: Family Day

A time to consider roots: Family Day

On every Boxing Day as far back as I can remember, my maternal aunts, uncles and cousins have gathered not just to celebrate Christmas but also family. This year was the first time my dear Auntie Marj wasn't there. She passed away on Jan.
News readers showed their love this V-Day

News readers showed their love this V-Day

To G., She had me when I first looked into her eyes. I became 15 again, all googly-eyed and full of mush. Not the image for a grown man. Her eyes were green and then they were blue, all depending on how the light hit her.
Other parties may have election impact

Other parties may have election impact

While the two major political parties garner most of the attention in this province, I wonder whether other parties and independent candidates will have a larger impact on May's election than anything we've seen recently.
News readers showed their love this V-Day

News readers showed their love this V-Day

Dear Peter., 1302 days since we randomly met on the train, and it has been quite the ride, hasn't it? Well, the butterflies still haven't left me.
Let go of Olympic dream

Let go of Olympic dream

The Editor, Re: "McNulty: Museum cost justified," News, Jan. 25. Sorry Bill, but I have to disagree with you on this one. These proposed expenditures of $575,000 (city) + $2.5 million from the province + $1.
Ottawa hears, sees no evil

Ottawa hears, sees no evil

A report from the federal commissioner of the environment last week points out once more the disturbing way Ottawa has failed to address legitimate concerns about B.C.'s pipeline proposals.
News readers showed their love this V-Day

News readers showed their love this V-Day

Dear Peter, Someone asked what it is that makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I was thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Then I smiled and said, "This makes me happy.