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Pathways is a godsend, lifeline

Pathways is a godsend, lifeline

Richmond - The Editor Re: Pathways to Support, News, Sept. 26.Thank you for your excellent article on the Pathways Clubhouse here in Richmond.
No good reason for Walmart

No good reason for Walmart

it's about as needed as the oval
Riverview no fix for what truly ails

Riverview no fix for what truly ails

Re: "Pathways to support," News, Sept. 27. The province recently rejected the recommendation of the UBCM to reinstate Riverview Hospital. Our government has made the right decision.
Road paving shortsighted

Road paving shortsighted

Open letter to YVR, Well, you blew it! Repaving is complete and nothing is really any better.
Article shows firefighter need

Article shows firefighter need

The Editor, Re: "Feelin' the heat," News, Sept. 20. Thank you for such a well-written, vividly articulated account of your experience at Fire Ops 101.
Fat cat city at BC Hydro

Fat cat city at BC Hydro

Hard on the heels of a leaked report stating B.C. Hydro customers can look forward to a rate hike of up to 26 per cent in the near future, comes unfortunately timed information about the bloated salaries paid to many at the Crown corporation.
Tunnel vision for Massey

Tunnel vision for Massey

Back before May 14, most people thought the B.C. Liberals had as much chance of winning an election as they had of selling voters a non-existent bridge.
Cylists seem to act above the law

Cylists seem to act above the law

The Editor, Re: "Cyclists dangerous? Really?" Letters, Sept. 20.
Village streets came alive

Village streets came alive

The Editor, Re: "Skies clear for Steveston's biggest grand prix yet," News, Sept. 25. Well, Mark Glavina of Phoenix Art Workshop did it again. He took the arts from the back of the bus and put it in the driver's seat.
Bridge about Panamax shipping

Bridge about Panamax shipping

The Editor, Re: "New bridge will just shift bottle neck: Brodie," News, Sept. 25 Doug Massey wants to save the Delta-to-Richmond tunnel named after his father, and he's asking people to sign a petition to save the tunnel? Won't work.