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At least tone down mall design

At least tone down mall design

The Editor, Re: "Richmond Walmart hits buffer, again," News, Sept. 18. I am a resident of the city centre. We have Target just opening and two other major malls in the area, not to mention three lesser ones.
Baldrey misses key numbers

Baldrey misses key numbers

The Editor, Re: "Liberals conveniently bury bad news," Column, Aug. 21. Keith Baldrey makes good points, but omitted the hundreds of millions owed to us by California, who passed a state law making it illegal to repay B.C.
Push forward, land already useless

Push forward, land already useless

The Editor, Re: "Richmond Walmart hits buffer again," News, Sept. 18. It's frustrating to see this project once again being placed on hold.
Rise above past horrors

Rise above past horrors

Sunday marked the end of Truth and Reconciliation week in B.C., one of the more meaningful attempts by Canada to understand and confront the multi-generational impact of the residential school system on First Nations people.
Cyclists don't always follow rules

Cyclists don't always follow rules

The Editor, Re: "Bikes still lagging behind," News, Sept. 13. There has been much debate about cycling, both here and in Vancouver, and the tremendous expenditure on new cycling infrastructure.
NDP needs to figure out its vision

NDP needs to figure out its vision

Now that Adrian Dix has finally decided he's not going to lead the NDP into the next election, the party can get on with healing its internal divisions and trying to figure out just what kind of entity it really is.
Show hospital you care

Show hospital you care

The Editor, Re: "Community has one big day to show it cares," News, Sept. 18. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, Richmond Hospital and its staff are there for us to ensure we can live happy and healthy lives.
Cyclists dangerous? Really?

Cyclists dangerous? Really?

The Editor, Re: "Cyclists dangerous too," Letters, Sept. 13. "These cyclists need to be educated, they are as dangerous as people who drive and text.
Gilbert no good for cycling

Gilbert no good for cycling

The Editor, Re: "Bikes still lagging behind," News, Sept. 13. I have been an avid cyclist (to and from work) for more than 10 years. I commuted to two different jobs each day. I enjoyed year-round cycling until recently.
Richmond doesn't need Walmart

Richmond doesn't need Walmart

The Editor, Re: "Walmart will ruin cityscape," Letters, Sept. 13. I agree 100 per cent with Mary Phillips' open letter to mayor and councillors in the Richmond News.