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Do the right thing, VAFFC

Do the right thing, VAFFC

The Editor, Adrian Pollard, director of the Vancouver Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC), states that the marine terminal, 80 million litre storage facility and pipeline (15 km upstream on the banks of the Fraser River) are ".
HST isn't at all neutral

HST isn't at all neutral

The Editor, Open letter to the proincial government.
Should city halls be getting nervous

Should city halls be getting nervous

Municipal governments and the tax dollars they spend have been thrust into the spotlight in recent weeks, and they are about to discover that scrutiny of their dealings is going to increase significantly.
Factory farming bad for health

Factory farming bad for health

The Editor, When people picture where their meat comes from, they usually imagine cows grazing in meadows or pigs rolling around in mud. In reality, with our growing demand for food, this type of farming is costly and inefficient.
Stock market deja vu

Stock market deja vu

Hey, remember three years ago, when the stock market was in freefall, Europe's finances were looking shaky, and any government help was uncertain at best? Welcome to 2008, part two.
Let's recreate a little piece of Richmond history to be proud of

Let's recreate a little piece of Richmond history to be proud of

The Editor, Re: "Historic tram getting facelift," News, July 29. Allow this historian a word or two on the future tram building. First off, the proposed building is not of a heritage nature pertaining to Steveston.
Beginning of new chapter

Beginning of new chapter

The Editor, An ancient proverb said: "A book buried with lots of treasures." Every storybook has different scenes, characters, and endings. Each chapter takes us through something fascinating.
It's not the sky that's falling

It's not the sky that's falling

It's a terrifying prospect: tonnes of concrete suddenly giving way and falling onto a busy commuter corridor.
Be responsible for your dog

Be responsible for your dog

The Editor, I am writing to send a warning message to dog owners out there who often bring their pets to MacDonald Beach Park. There is a rather irresponsible owner out there with a "not so friendly dog." It happened on B.C. Day between 11: 30 a.m.
Who is responsible for tax hikes?

Who is responsible for tax hikes?

The increasing demand on the pocketbooks of taxpayers is leaving the public angry and frustrated! The Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) referendum is now underway to decide whether or not we go back to a PST and GST, a combination totalling 12 per cent, or