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Dealing with court crisis

Dealing with court crisis

There's an old joke among engineers: Faster, better, cheaper - pick two. That's the core of the crisis that's facing B.C.
Scramble leaves out drivers

Scramble leaves out drivers

The Editor, I was so looking forward to the new scramble only to find out that they've made the situation worse. Cars can't move because of people. I assumed no pedestrians would be allowed to cross during car cycles.
Numbers not the issue

Numbers not the issue

The Editor, Re: "Chinese-only signs too few to count," Letters, Feb. 8. I think Mr. Lim completely misses the point here. The issue here is not how many Chinese-only signs are in display today in the city.
ET views love on planet Earth

ET views love on planet Earth

The Editor, As an extra-terrestrial visitor to planet Earth, I wanted to learn how love is practiced by its inhabitants. I first turned to the media where it appeared that love had something to do with giving gifts, particularly on Feb. 14.
Pipeline process ignores safest option

Pipeline process ignores safest option

The Editor, The letter by John Winters of the BC Chamber of Commerce shows he has become a lapdog of the Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC).
Clark can redeem herself

Clark can redeem herself

The Editor, I have a lot of respect for Christy Clark and believe she deserves a break from all the criticism she has been receiving lately.
Clark needs 'wedge' issue to separate NDP

Clark needs 'wedge' issue to separate NDP

There wasnt a lot to chew on from Premier Christy Clarks five-minute radio address this week, but she did signal a looming showdown on an issue that has the potential to right her governments sinking ship.
Both Canadian and new cultures need to embrace change

Both Canadian and new cultures need to embrace change

The Editor, Re: Chinese-only signs too few to count, Letters, Feb. 8. With reference to the comments by Lawrence Lims letter, he is quite right about the subject being, as he calls it, "a mole hill".
Is the city being too PC?

Is the city being too PC?

The Editor, Re: Chinese-only signs too few to count, Letters, Feb. 8. Embrace Canadian culture, Letters, Feb. 10. I wholeheartedly agree with Alan Halliday's comments, but disagree with Lawrence Lim that Chinese-only signs are too few to count.
Your driving decisions affect everyone

Your driving decisions affect everyone

The Editor, I was in the curbside lane on Minoru/Landsdowne. As the lights flashed green, a car on my left cut in front of me, making a dangerous, illegal right turn. It could have resulted in a nasty accident on a wintry road.