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Job action not about salary

Job action not about salary

The Editor, A wage increase is not what it's about for most teachers.
RCMP responding to local priorities

RCMP responding to local priorities

The recent spate of negative incidents involving the RCMP has been well documented in the media. This has led to public concern about the operations of the RCMP across British Columbia.
Why such fuss over 12 signs?

Why such fuss over 12 signs?

At the end of my last column, I promised that I would tell you something that ought to end the Chinese-signage controversy for once and for all but wouldnt. Here it is. There are virtually no Chinese-only signs in Richmond.
Helping our memory to remember

Helping our memory to remember

Here's a scary thought - you've been asked to speak in public before a large audience, on a complex subject, without any notes. Could you do it? I couldn't. And yet, this is precisely what orators in ancient Greece were expected to do.
Kids get mixed sex messages

Kids get mixed sex messages

Sext up KIDS explores growing up in a sexualized world
Time for opposition to put forth platforms

Time for opposition to put forth platforms

So far, this province's other two would-be premiers are keeping quiet about what they would do that is so different from the ruling B.C. Liberals when it comes to government spending and taxation.
Teaching becomes more than 9-5 job

Teaching becomes more than 9-5 job

Open letter to Minister of Education, I am both a teacher and a parent in British Columbia. I love teaching, and I love my children's teachers.
Premier can help Burns Lake

Premier can help Burns Lake

The Editor, I have a lot of respect for Christy Clark and believe she deserves a break from all the criticism.
Voice opposition to Bill C-30

Voice opposition to Bill C-30

The Editor, I'm appalled by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews' comments in the House of Commons last week, when he accused all Canadians who oppose the government's invasive and warrantless online spying scheme, Bill C-30, of siding with child pornogr
B.C's antisocial contract

B.C's antisocial contract

Public sector labour talks in B.C. have never been easy.