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Questions for candidates

Questions for candidates

The Editor, Re: "Keep Faith in Election," Letters, Oct.
Cuts harm public safety

Cuts harm public safety

Despite the tremendous fiscal pressure it is facing, the federal government must take a hard second look at the cost-cutting it has implemented in airline safety inspections.
Steveston scramble the right way to go

Steveston scramble the right way to go

The Editor, I have been a resident of Steveston for almost 20 years, and since 2006 I have actively lobbied for change to the intersection of Moncton Street and No.1 Road.
City needs small planes

City needs small planes

The Editor, Re: "Residents want small planes relocated," News, Nov. 9.
Oil debate heats provincial, federal politics

Oil debate heats provincial, federal politics

This province may be about to feel the impact of a squeeze play by huge energy companies and Alberta, China and Ottawa. This scenario has been building for some time, ever since Enbridge Inc. first proposed building a $6.
Be smart, sign your meter

Be smart, sign your meter

The Editor, Re: "Anti-Smart Meter campaigners told to tell province," News, Nov. 9.
Car crashes outnumber plane crashes

Car crashes outnumber plane crashes

Dear Editor, Re: "Residents want small planes relocated," News, Nov. 9. The small plane accidents in the last few years were tragic and devastating. However, preventing small planes from using that airspace is unwarranted.
New station lacks common sense

New station lacks common sense

The Editor, Re: "Community station to service city centre," News, Nov. 9. Hurray, we are getting a new community police station downtown Richmond at a cost of several hundreds of thousands dollars. But, it's only open from 9 am.
Vote for candidates, not parties

Vote for candidates, not parties

The Editor, Of the three people who ran in John Cummins' riding, Cummins said he'd like his successor to be the candidate who would do the best job of representing the concerns of all the people in that riding, regardless of which party the candidate
'New blood' fires up debate

'New blood' fires up debate

The Editor, Congratulations Richmond Centre for Disability! You put on the most engaging and revealing all-candidates meeting I've ever seen.