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No to ESL for Canadian born

No to ESL for Canadian born

The Editor, When are the taxpayers going to jump up and down and say "enough is enough"? Why are we funding the learning of English for children who are born in Canada but speak another language at home, in our school system? Who are the students goi
Grey area for mental health

Grey area for mental health

The Editor, Having just read an article in the Globe and Mail, "Mother wanted schizophrenic son out of home before fatal fire, inquest told", I felt compelled to write a letter to inform my fellow Richmond citizens about the challenges many families
Family Day's poverty focus

Family Day's poverty focus

The first official B.C. Family Day statutory holiday is on Feb. 11, 2013. Chances are, many of us will be putting our feet up watching TV, going shopping or taking off to the ski slopes for a fun-filled break.
Solution - it takes two to tango

Solution - it takes two to tango

The Editor, I submit that there is a simple way to distinguish between bullying (behaviour) from ordinary playground altercations - ask all the participants (separately) whether they are engaging in the activity voluntary.
Nod to history's 2nd place finishers

Nod to history's 2nd place finishers

What is it like to be the second smartest person in the world? Let us set the scene. It is England, in the mid-1600s. A decade of strife between Parliament and Crown has left one king headless and his son, Charles II, leading a restored court.
Public schools exemplify multiculturalism

Public schools exemplify multiculturalism

The Editor, Re: "Serving across religious nets," News, Nov. 16.
What parenting has taught me

What parenting has taught me

Though we think we are the teachers and it is our children who are growing, parenting is an endless growth experience. In spite of my best intentions, I made mistakes. I did my best to be fair.
Thank you for the tire help

Thank you for the tire help

On Wednesday, after work, I drove to the garden shop on No. 6 Road to buy some winter pansies.
Rough week for premier

Rough week for premier

One has to feel for Premier Christy Clark, no matter what one's political affiliations may be. In one week she was faced with a former Liberal MLA, John van Dongen, yet again, demanding an investigation into the 2003 sale of B.C.
Leave snow geese alone

Leave snow geese alone

Open letter to mayor and councillors, Re: "Richmond councillor seeks mass snow geese cull," Online, Nov. 19. Was Mr.