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Give health more authority

Give health more authority

With aggressive expansion coming to the amount of coal and grain Port Metro Vancouver exports, it's time to take a closer look at the price our lungs are going to pay.
Another dirty tricks campaign

Another dirty tricks campaign

The Editor, Re: "Law goes it alone," News, Jan. 30. In response to your front page story regarding the candidacy of independent Gary Law in the next provincial election, I felt an uneasy sense of déjà vu.
Make oval more inclusive

Make oval more inclusive

The Editor, Re: "Oval: Numbers please," Letters, Feb. 1. I must agree with the rationale behind the letter by Ken McLennan decrying the establishment of an Olympic Sport Museum at the Richmond Oval.
Liberals lost at least one voter

Liberals lost at least one voter

The Editor, Re: "Dix's winners are losers," Letters, Jan. 30. Since Linda Cooper appears to be playing the "I remember" song regarding Adrian Dix, my "I remember" song would go something like this.
This city no longer livable

This city no longer livable

The Editor, I was blessed with sighting a coyote on the large Garden City Lands the other day. I was glad to see that it looked well fed.
Building Richmond's social future

Building Richmond's social future

Although cities in Canada are primarily charged with the provision of services like sewer, water, garbage collection, parks, roads, fire and police, there is an increasing need to also address social development concerns.
When to use LOL, OMG, BTW

When to use LOL, OMG, BTW

For those of you not sucked into the culture of texting, it may be a surprise to learn there is a whole code of things that you should say, how you should say it and when to use smileys.
The myth of the Canadian firm

The myth of the Canadian firm

On Wednesday, the company formerly known as Research In Motion unveiled its BlackBerry 10, and the talk was about whether it would save the company, or turn into the final nail in its coffin.
History shows rewards for high-risk investors

History shows rewards for high-risk investors

This column is the first in a 10-part series No one invests to lose money. Although the past decade or so may have people wondering about that, history does not lie.
Keep warm and carry on

Keep warm and carry on

It's just like your mom always said when you were a kid: put on a sweater. Fortis BC is teaming up with local business groups to promote energy conservation and help the less fortunate. This Feb. 2-9 is Turn Down the Heat Week in a number of B.C.