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Stop lip-service

Richmond - The Editor, I have read not only in the Richmond News but in the Vancouver Sun the articles on child poverty in our province and feel that not enough is being done by our government to combat this problem.
Richmond - The Editor, I have read not only in the Richmond News but in the Vancouver Sun the articles on child poverty in our province and feel that not enough is being done by our government to combat this problem.What is it that our MPs don't understand about children going to school hungry, and also without warm clothes and socks, on some of the coldest and wettest days of the year? It makes me so cross when I read of teachers having to spend their own money to feed some of these little ones.Imagine a province as wealthy as this one having to rely on papers like the Vancouver Sun to bring attention to the dire need some of these children are in.There are wonderful people in Vancouver who give of their time, as do their children, who raise funds to help those less fortunate. (I refer to an article in the Vancouver Sun about a student and his family who have donated time and raised money for others in need.) Our government needs to stop giving us lip service about caring for families and actually do something about it.We are not living in the dark ages and child poverty should not even be an issue in this province. And shame on any politician who turns their back on any child in need.P. ThompsonRichmond