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No thanks to free lunch

No thanks to free lunch

Open letter to Alice Wong, Re: Annual community barbecue: I had to decline your invitation to have lunch Saturday, Aug. 24. I couldn't possibly sit down to lunch with an MP who, in my view, has shown such poor judgement in the recent past.
NDP sharks circling for Dix's blood

NDP sharks circling for Dix's blood

When then-Premier Mike Harcourt's government was engulfed in scandal and controversy in the mid-1990s, speculation began to build on whether he could hang on as leader.
A great night and a great future

A great night and a great future

The Editor, East Richmond Community Association (ERCA) had a very successful Outdoor Movie Night on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at the popular King George Park (KGP) with more than 600 guests enjoying the movie Up.
Our favourite festival

Our favourite festival

The Editor, I would like to pass on my thanks and appreciation to all the people involved in making last weekend's Maritime Festival one of the most enjoyable festivals my husband and I have experienced.
Thank Zeus we're not the same Canada

Thank Zeus we're not the same Canada

As every kid who ever went through a mythology phase can tell you, Theseus is the Greek hero who was smart and tough enough to defeat the minotaur.
Mistakes, bonuses costly

Mistakes, bonuses costly

It's been an expensive week for B.C. taxpayers. Last Friday, it became clear that we're on the hook for a $750-million settlement over power B.C. Hydro sold to California more than 10 years ago.
Pros out way cons

Pros out way cons

The Editor, Re: "Railway corridor anti-progress," Letters, Aug. 14. I just read yet another Letter to the Editor against the Railway Avenue Greenway.
Disable new decal program

Disable new decal program

The Editor, Re: "City should park new decal program," News, July 31. Upon reading of Mr. Pan's story, I personally think that it has the following problems: 1. It is bad enough to be "disabled" (I call them "less fortunate".
Save our healthy park

Save our healthy park

The Editor, We are residents at Steele Court and we're writing this letter to obtain community support to save the five-acre park at the old Steveston secondary site for community use. The park has been there for the community since 1956.
Support staff requests reasonable

Support staff requests reasonable

Open letter to MLA Teresa Wat, I am compelled to write to you regarding the breakdown of negotiations of the contracts for Richmond School Districts CUPE 716 support staff.