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Whose interests served?

Whose interests served?

Minister of Energy and Mines Rich Coleman is promoting what the Liberals would have British Columbians believe is decisive government action and hard work to reduce proposed rate increases by BC Hydro.
Leave Terra Nova park as is

Leave Terra Nova park as is

Open letter to mayor and council, Re: "Terra Nova Rural Park play experience concept plan open house," Advertisement, May 30. I just received the Richmond News and see that there is a "play experience" planned for Terra Nova.
Ban praised internationally

Ban praised internationally

Open letter to mayor and council, Re: "Council plows ahead with GE-crop ban," News, May 30. Thank you for your considerable efforts in studying and debating this issue. To say I am overjoyed at the outcome would be an unnecessary understatement.
Breed smarter, not fewer

Breed smarter, not fewer

The Editor, Re: "Politicians server their masters" Letters, May 30. The old overpopulation myth again? Earth currently produces enough food to feed over 20 billion people at a North American standard.
Don't listen to GMO 'experts'

Don't listen to GMO 'experts'

The Editor, Re: "Richmond declared GE-free," News; "GM crops shouldn't be feared," Letters. It was a clever juxtaposition to tell us about council's support of a GMO-free Richmond, then follow up with a dubious pro-GM letter inside of Friday's paper.
Liberals kick around B.C. Hydro football

Liberals kick around B.C. Hydro football

There's a part of government that is spending gargantuan amounts of money, yet operates beyond the scrutiny normally applied to such operations. That would be B.C.
Politicians serve their masters

Politicians serve their masters

The Editor, Re: Cedar tree poaching becomes metaphorical, Why the urgency around LDB change? Opinion, Claxton hits nail on head Letters, May 23. Thanks for printing the above editorial, column and letter.
Not a mousy municipality

Not a mousy municipality

RICHMOND: A city that normally basks in a reputation for being the quiet student, sitting at the back of the Lower Mainland classroom; a conservative voice, but with disarming charm, often eclipsed by the constant arm-raising/attention seeking of its
There is no such thing as a bad job

There is no such thing as a bad job

The Editor, Re: "Jim Flaherty finds a well of stupid," Column, May 18.
Attend relay for cancer while you can

Attend relay for cancer while you can

Cancer is a monster. That's about the nicest thing I can say about it. I have a choice selection of four-letter words at my disposal, but this is a family paper.