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City's priorities must undergo change

City's priorities must undergo change

The Editor, When one checks the amazing variety of photos posted in the photo gallery of Richmonds natural beauty, you wonder how Wind Waves, a piece from the 2009 Biennale, was chosen to land in our city.
Saba loop provided safety

Saba loop provided safety

The Editor, Re: Unhappy resident shouldnt be allowed to hold up traffic, Letters, Dec. 2. I agree with some of Marion Smiths comments. I have been riding Richmond buses since 1971 and this is the best and most reliable service weve ever had.
Scorn for resistance leads to violence

Scorn for resistance leads to violence

The governments of the western world are playing a dangerous game with their people, and they don't even realize it. In the recent days, weeks, and months, we've seen discontent everywhere from Europe to North America. This is no surprise.
Polygamy law requires a quick appeal

Polygamy law requires a quick appeal

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Bauman has confirmed Canada's polygamy law that says multiple marriages are illegal.
Unhappy resident shouldn't be allowed to hold up traffic

Unhappy resident shouldn't be allowed to hold up traffic

The Editor, Re: "Lee thanks supporters and Brodie," Letters, Nov. 25. In his letter, Richard Lee reports that, thanks to the efforts of Mayor Brodie, there will soon be a no-bus zone on Saba Road.
Look more into poverty stats

Look more into poverty stats

The Editor, Re: "Offshore dollars pose possible cause to poverty rates," Letters, Nov. 30. I agree with Julie Halfnights's letter on Richmond poverty statistics.
Show your loved ones you care year round

Show your loved ones you care year round

As I sit basking in the glow of my artificial sunlamp, it dawns on me that there are only three weekends left before Christmas.
Is resistance really that futile?

Is resistance really that futile?

The governments of the western world are playing a dangerous game with their people, and they don't even realize it. In the recent days, weeks, and months, we've seen discontent everywhere from Europe to North America. This is no surprise.
City needs to put transit decisions in broader context

City needs to put transit decisions in broader context

The Editor, Re: Lee thanks supporters and Brodie, Letters, Nov. 25. In his letter, Richard Lee reports that, thanks to the efforts of Mayor Brodie, there will soon be a no-bus zone on Saba Road.
Statistics Canada numbers don't show whole picture about Richmond poverty rates

Statistics Canada numbers don't show whole picture about Richmond poverty rates

The Editor, Re: "Offshore dollars pose possible cause to poverty rates," Letters, Nov. 30. I agree with Julie Halfnights's letter on Richmond Poverty Statistics.