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Readers bite back at Wong over shark soup

The following letters are in response to "Wong stands by decision to eat shark fin," News, Oct. 17

The Editor,

Speaking as a 30year Richmond resident and loyal federal Conservative voter, I am very dismayed over MP Alice Wong's public spectacle of eating a bowl of shark fin soup.

Shame on her for actually eating the controversial soup, and for Asian media only.

Perhaps she'd like to consume some Rhinoceros horn as well; I recently read they are being poached to extinction in Africa because some people believe the false claim that Rhino horn cures cancer.

I stand with the majority of Canadians who demand the end of shark-finning and shark fin soup consumption.

I also believe it is time for the Richmond federal Conservatives to look for a new local candidate because Wong has forever lost my vote, as well as many others I have spoken to.

Bernd Bamberg Richmond