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Learn to savour summer's sweetness

Learn to savour summer's sweetness

Transitions are hard. Even good ones, like going from the bustle of school to the quiet and calm of summer vacation. Not that summers are necessarily quiet or calm. As a teacher I am lucky to have my summers off.
Ninjas, bosons and the history of atoms

Ninjas, bosons and the history of atoms

What is the Higgs boson? A lot of people have been asking me about the Higgs boson today (for "a lot" read "up to two"), probably because they think I know something about particle physics and the creation of the cosmos. I don't.
Boston Pizza deserves MVP(izzaHouse) status

Boston Pizza deserves MVP(izzaHouse) status

The Editor, The end-of-season dinner is always a special time for our children's sports teams.
Fix HandyDart and keep TaxiSavers

Fix HandyDart and keep TaxiSavers

Open letter to TransLink, As I was unable to attend yesterday's forum on TaxiSavers in Vancouver, I am writing to make you aware of my most recent experience with HandyDart and taxis.
Oval puts customers last

Oval puts customers last

The Editor, I have been a member at the Richmond Olympic Oval since March 2011 and I visit the fitness room frequently. At the time I signed up, I was 25 years old, so I paid for the 19-to 25-year-old age group membership fee.
Mayor backs the community

Mayor backs the community

The Editor, Just as I am not a big supporter of big fat bonuses for officers hired to do little more than a satisfactory job to begin with, I am not keen to say "Bravo" to politicians either for representing the views of the majority of their constit
Thanks to new VCH program

Thanks to new VCH program

The Editor, I am writing this in regards to a program called the "Early supported discharge & community reintegration program," operating out of the Richmond Olympic Oval under the umbrella of the Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH).
Isle Pirates grateful for Festival invite

Isle Pirates grateful for Festival invite

The Editor, On behalf of the Shady Isle Pirates, thank you to the City of Richmond for inviting us to be a part of the 2012 Ship-to-Shore event.
How to judge true rudeness

How to judge true rudeness

I recently visited a country where it seemed like the people had no manners.
'Thrive' spurs reader to action

'Thrive' spurs reader to action

The Editor, For anyone who wants an understanding of just how much we are being watched and controlled, I highly recommend watching THRIVE. (