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Thank you, students

Thank you, students

The Editor, As I say goodbye for the summer and reflect on this challenging year in public education, I am moved to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to my wonderful students at MacNeill secondary.
Tax increases due to extravagance

Tax increases due to extravagance

The Editor, After watching the performance of Richmond city council on the Community Channel, the word that came to mind was "profligate." This adjective is defined as "recklessly extravagant or wasteful of resources.
Will Big Brother protect?

Will Big Brother protect?

In the fight against international crime, any state must balance the freedom of its citizens against their security. As public anxiety ebbs and flows, policies tend naturally to swing from one extreme to the other.
Keep abortion legal right

Keep abortion legal right

The Editor, Re: "Canada needs abortion law," Letters, June 20.
Voters disappointed in Bill C-38

Voters disappointed in Bill C-38

Open letter to MP Alice Wong, Bill C-38 has passed and I am writing to express our disappointment that you voted for a "budget bill" that hides so many important changes and derails any debate.
Reduce taxes, avoid future surpluses

Reduce taxes, avoid future surpluses

The Editor, "City reveals $4.5M surplus," News, June 6. I agree with some of the allocations, but feel there should be help for some pensioners in Richmond who are on very low incomes and have to go to the food bank for help.
Integration takes patience

Integration takes patience

The Editor, Re: "Fear and the 'problem' of the city's ethnic enclaves," Column, June 13. I so enjoyed reading Dr. Greenholtz' column in the June 13 issue.
Dream of good night's sleep

Dream of good night's sleep

We celebrated at my son's high school graduation dinner last Friday. I was reminded of the novelty of staying up all night when I was 17, and at 4 a.m.
How to make your mark

How to make your mark

The work is almost done. You've accumulated a nest egg that will assure the retirement lifestyle you planned for. The golf course beckons, as does that year-long world cruise. You're happy...
Will VAFFC airlines please stand up

Will VAFFC airlines please stand up

The Editor, Re: "Tanker study puts lives at risk: VAPOR," News, June 12.