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Don't be overly confident, ensure smart investments

Don't be overly confident, ensure smart investments

According to the quarterly American Express Small Business Monitor, Canadian small business owners are increasingly confident about the future, with 38 per cent of those polled willing to take above average or significant business risk in the next si
Population overload is depleting Mother Earth

Population overload is depleting Mother Earth

The Editor, Sinead O'Connor said, "God's children deserve to sleep safe." I bet most parents out there in Newsland would agree.
Clark plays coy on pipeline affair

Clark plays coy on pipeline affair

NDP leader Adrian Dix is noticeably frustrated by Premier Christy Clark's steadfast refusal to take a position on the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, and it's not hard to see why.
Change of mental state

Change of mental state

The deeply sad story that unfolded in B.C. Supreme Court this week underscores both the seriousness of mental illness and the challenges in managing it.
Know your tides before venturing

Know your tides before venturing

The Editor, We check the ShraplTide app before we decide if Shady Island is safe to visit. ShraplTide indicates if the tide is going up or down, and the two low and two high tides for the day. It works when you hold your iPhone vertically.
Old words that still pack a punch

Old words that still pack a punch

Many years ago, I was research assistant to a famous American journalist who was writing a book about art. Being very naïve, I dared to criticize his style. But only once. What a finger-wagging I got.
Parking makes patient sick

Parking makes patient sick

The Editor, When it comes to hospital wait-times and parking rates, there is never a win-win. Since we are patients and not there because we want to be, hospitals should charge reasonable rates. Recently, I had to get an IV drip.
Cartoon draws the truth

Cartoon draws the truth

The Editor, Re: Editorial cartoon, Opinion, July 4. The July 4 editorial cartoon in the Richmond News was priceless. It illustrated that our country is being run by a bully and a dictator. I find our situation very alarming.
Developers control city hall decisions - again

Developers control city hall decisions - again

The Editor, I have just found out the bike park at the end of No. 2 Road is slated to become a condo development.
You're value will surprise you

You're value will surprise you

I've got some good news- and some bad news. First, the bad news: Your financial capital has probably taken a hit these past few years. As a matter of fact, this past decade or so has not been too rosy either.