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Culture committee aims to cast wider opinion net

Culture committee aims to cast wider opinion net

I hope you enjoyed the summer hiatus as much as I did - except for the part where you were desperately flipping through the pages of the Richmond News, looking for my latest column. Well, gentle readers, the wait is over.
Sitting out at the ledge

Sitting out at the ledge

Amongst the gloomy financial report delivered by newly minted Finance Minister Mike De Jong this week was news the B.C. legislature won't be sitting this fall.
SPCA's kitten policy denies deserving folks

SPCA's kitten policy denies deserving folks

The Editor, Re: "SPCA defends adoption policy," Letters, Aug. 31. "SPCA barking up wrong tree," Letters, Aug. 24. We read Geoff Cooper's letter from Aug. 24 and could very much sympathize with his story as we experienced something similar.
Thanks to Terry Fox supporters

Thanks to Terry Fox supporters

The Editor, Once again the good people of Richmond came to Garry Point in droves to celebrate the memory and spirit of Terry Fox.
Don't legitimize A Better Life

Don't legitimize A Better Life

The Editor, Re: "City urged to ban chaining of dogs," News, Sept. 14. City councils should not be giving an audience to Janet Olson, former director of A Better Life Dog Rescue.
Rocky Mountaineer union deserves support

Rocky Mountaineer union deserves support

The end of a dispute between Rocky Mountaineer and its unionized workers was a bittersweet conclusion to more than 14 months on the picket lines.
District energy helps sustainable future

District energy helps sustainable future

Energy is a hot topic these days. We are engaged in an intense global debate about how best to generate the energy we need for our homes and businesses in a way that is both affordable and environmentally safe.
Pipes: The good, bad and ugly

Pipes: The good, bad and ugly

The Editor, When are pipelines good and when are pipelines bad? In my opinion, pipelines that keep toxic fuel out of our waterways are good and pipelines that bring toxic fuel to our waterways are bad.
Who pays for charging stations?

Who pays for charging stations?

The Editor, Re: "City plans trip down electric avenue," News, Sept 12. An interesting report in the Sept 12 issue concerning the city installing five charging stations for hybrid vehicles.
September's time to take charge of your routines

September's time to take charge of your routines

The air of September mornings has a cool, wakeup bite to it. Each year, it reminds me to get down to business and engage in the start of a new school year.