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Review Terra Nova proposal

Review Terra Nova proposal

The Editor, I was delighted to read the results of the Richmond News web poll, regarding the Terra Nova playground proposal. The proposal was voted down 93 per cent to seven per cent.
Hockey can be replaced

Hockey can be replaced

Summer may have been late arriving hereabouts, but it sure is hanging around in decidedly unfall-like fashion. Maybe that's why it is hard to get invested in who is right or wrong in the NHL lockout.
Thank you Richmond for Country Fair support

Thank you Richmond for Country Fair support

The Editor, On Saturday, Sept. 15, South Arm United Church held its 53rd Annual Country Fair. Once again we enjoyed the enthusiastic support from the Richmond community, and for this we, the coordinators of the fair, are deeply grateful.
SPCA process for kittens' wellbeing

SPCA process for kittens' wellbeing

The Editor, Re: "SPCA's kitten policy denies deserving folk," Letters, Sept. 19.
Get hockey fix from junior leagues

Get hockey fix from junior leagues

The Editor, Do you want to see exciting hockey? Get your hockey fix by going to see the Richmond Sockeyes play. Junior hockey is great to watch and is very inexpensive.
What I learn from patients

What I learn from patients

In my last post, I said that good doctors learn from their patients. That may be one reason why we say we practice medicine. And I guess patients do have to be patient - waiting for a young doctor to practice on them until they get good at it.
Good Samaritan Return Spurse

Good Samaritan Return Spurse

The Editor, On Sunday, Sept. 16, my faith in humanity was renewed. While cycling through Steveston, Gary Point Park and the West dyke, I lost my purse, containing my house keys, car keys, identification and a small amount of cash.
Station success doubtful

Station success doubtful

The Editor, Re: "Who pays for charging stations?" Letters, Sept. 14. Brian Summers asks who will be paying for the use of the electrical charging stations coming to Richmond in the near future.
Terra Nova created by many

Terra Nova created by many

The Editor, Re: "Yvonne Harwood, Personal Profile," (Advertising), Sept. 12. It was quite a surprise to see this realtor taking credit for the Terra Nova Park, as she calls it.
Next government has to pick up pieces

Next government has to pick up pieces

The NDP was served two reminders this week of the kinds of ticking hand grenades that could blow up on them if the party takes power next spring: the toll on the new Port Mann Bridge and the deteriorating state of the government's finances.