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No Senate reform needed

No Senate reform needed

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Liberated Liberals," Editorial, Feb. 7. In the above referenced editorial you wrote, "Trudeau has done more to reform the senate than Harper has done in almost eight years as Prime Minister.
ICBC conscience found wanting

ICBC conscience found wanting

Police, ICBC, the courts - anyone with a bit of sense - have repeatedly encouraged those who drink any alcohol to steer clear of driving.
Time to take action on child abuse

Time to take action on child abuse

Another utterly tragic episode involving life and death on a First Nations reserve has been uncovered by B.C.'s children representative, and her report is deeply disturbing.
Have attitudes changed?

Have attitudes changed?

The Editor, Over the years I’ve contributed a number of letters, expressing concern over the effect that the proliferation of empty mega-houses, Chinese-only signage, consumption of shark-fin soup and entrenched ethnocentric attitudes might be having
Have attitudes changed?

Have attitudes changed?

Richmond - The Editor, Over the years I've contributed a number of letters, expressing concern over the effect that the proliferation of empty megahouses, Chinese-only signage, consumption of shark-fin soup and entrenched ethnocentric attitudes might
Changing course is not so easy

Changing course is not so easy

When was the last time you changed your mind? I don't mean that you changed your mind about what to have for dinner, or what tie to wear.
Dog days are over

Dog days are over

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Off-leash is offside," Letters, Jan. 31.
Liberated Liberals

Liberated Liberals

The Liberal Senate caucus is dead. Long live the caucus of liberal senators. Justin Trudeau stripped the capital L from 32 senators this week, tossing them into independence in a bid to aid bipartisanship, and possibly his election chances.
Where was help back then?

Where was help back then?

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Steveston worthy of UNESCO designation," Column, Feb 5. As to the future of Steveston, I'm surprised by Mr.
Farewell to Alexandra Rd

Farewell to Alexandra Rd

Richmond - The Editor, We have had the privilege to live on Alexandra Road (the street where Walmart is being built) between Garden City and No. 4 roads for almost seven years.