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Only council benefits from sister city relations

Only council benefits from sister city relations

The Editor, Re: "Sister city spending plans put on hold," News, July 15. I'm sick and tired of our esteemed city council members and city staff setting up sister cities so they have exotic places to visit on the taxpayers' dime.
Openly discuss advisor fees

Openly discuss advisor fees

Lately, buzz in the investment world has revolved around trailer fees paid to advisors.
School trustee stands by decision to speak freely

School trustee stands by decision to speak freely

The Editor, Re: "Trustee draws fire for talk show slot," News, July 10.
NDP still shaken up, new ministers fare well

NDP still shaken up, new ministers fare well

The summer legislative session is now half over, so it's time for some observations and thoughts about what we've seen so far in the House: ? The multitude of new faces around the legislature has changed the atmosphere for the better.
Make exercise a promise

Make exercise a promise

If you've ever attempted to make a routine out of exercising, here is a process I'm sure you're familiar with. Getting off the couch or away from the computer is the first and hardest step.
Learn, grow, and hopefully don't die

Learn, grow, and hopefully don't die

Well, those lazy days of summer are finally here - at least for those of us who aren't working every single week, sitting in poorly ventilated offices, sweating, looking longingly outside at blue skies, envying the birds their freedom to go where the
Appreciate what you have

Appreciate what you have

The Editor, Re: "Canada walks the talk," Letters, July 5. It was so refreshing to read Alan Halliday's letter to the editor about our fortune and opportunity here in Canada.
Tuned in, but turned off

Tuned in, but turned off

Two months after the provincial election, the post-mortems are continuing to roll in. Pollsters have continued to examine how they got the predictions so wrong.
Make Garden Lands multi-purpose

Make Garden Lands multi-purpose

The Editor, Thank you for enabling a forum among Richmond residents re: "What should we do with the Garden City Lands?" Here is my two cents. The land should be turned into a medley of park, residential and farm space.
Words into surnames, back into words

Words into surnames, back into words

Among the English, the practice of giving surnames is less than a thousand years old. Surnames were formed from occupations (Baker), place names (Lincoln), patronymics (Johnson, meaning son of John), or nicknames (Dolittle, meaning a lazy person).