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Letter: Save water year round

Letter: Save water year round

Dear Editor, This just in! How to cut back inside water use by 50 per cent? Re-use all water in the home, at least once. Four and a half steps: 1. BATH/SHOWER: Plug the bathtub to save first-shower water. Don’t drain the first-bath water.
Letter: Coun. Au explains his vote

Letter: Coun. Au explains his vote

Editor, When the issue of house massing was brought up, I agreed it was a problem we should address sooner rather than later. To date, I have not changed my position. In the last few weeks, I have tried to listen to all parties.
Letter: Call that public art?

Letter: Call that public art?

Dear Editor, Recently, Richmond City Hall announced the purchase of two pieces of art to add to the Minoru Development Project currently underway.
Letter: Reader challenges public art

Letter: Reader challenges public art

Dear Editor, A few years ago Eric Fiss, Public Art Planner, attempted to spend $250,000 on public art. The outlay was put to an online vote and was soundly defeated.
Letter: Richmond’s green space gone

Letter: Richmond’s green space gone

Dear Editor, From what I see every day, I believe that Richmond is slowly becoming more and more polluted by the dust from construction. From building town houses, to apartments, to plazas, there is no end to it.
Letter: City adrift from official plan

Letter: City adrift from official plan

Dear Editor, After attending Tuesday evening’s planning committee meeting at Richmond City Hall. I find myself extremely disappointed by our elected decision-makers.
Letter: Increase rental stock decrease vacancies

Letter: Increase rental stock decrease vacancies

Dear Editor: Re: “Votes speak volumes,” July 16, News . Right on! Your editorial is a great reminder to all. We must learn to ignore the proliferation of good press politicians- — elicit, contrived or not — and focus on how they vote.
Letter: Mega-home envy not the problem

Letter: Mega-home envy not the problem

Dear Editor, I have little patience with the simple-minded proposition that those who object to the proliferation of mega-houses in our community are motivated by some kind of jealousy of wealth.
Letter: Did McNulty just wake up?

Letter: Did McNulty just wake up?

Dear Editor, RE: “More rental housing needed: McNulty,” Letters , July 9 It seems that Coun. Bill McNulty has just woken up from a long sleep and recognized that Richmond has an affordable housing problem.
Letter: Time to review city’s spending

Letter: Time to review city’s spending

Dear Editor, How many years will it take before residents can expect city council to spend our hard earned tax dollars in a feasible way? In the last few weeks, the city has announced plans to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on re-doing parks