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ThePulse We've got our finger on it


Control tower value appealed

Move could cost city thousands in lost taxes

Richmond councillor says dog owners will laugh at I.D. demand

The City of Richmond will soon have the power to demand identification if your dog is suspected of breaking a bylaw. Bylaw officers were all but given the go-ahead Tuesday to demand I.D.

Tether time to be set

The City of Richmond looks set to bring in a new bylaw to restrict how long a dog can be tied up and left alone.

Richmond pedestrians get tips for safety

The 2013 spring pedestrian safety campaign was introduced last week in an aim to raise awareness on the issue and hopefully save some lives.

Memoir tackles past abuses

The day began fairly typically for author Ben Nuttall-Smith. Living close to the Washington State border, he and his wife would often drive south for some shopping. This day, they decided to catch a movie, The Prince of Tides.

Richmond pair ready for Peking to Paris rally

Garage prepares 1930 Ford Model A

Province reveals five Massey Tunnel options

The five options for replacing the 54-year-old Massey Tunnel have been revealed by the B.C. government.

Richmond drivers still behaving badly; cellphone violations on the rise

Up to 30 per cent of car accidents is caused by distracted driving and youre 23 times more likely to crash if youre texting while behind the wheel.

Daylight saving no problem for Richmond clock shop owner

Daylight time started on the weekend and many of us were probably feeling extra tired Monday morning. But thank your lucky stars you aren't Ron Graham.