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Local News

Richmond fire destroys new duplex, damages two other homes

Richmond fire destroys new duplex, damages two other homes

Proposed changes to federal electoral boundaries would see 'Boro go to Richmond

Queensborough could be leaving New Westminster - at least for federal elections.

Baby's death hit youth hard

Watching a newborn baby die because of lack of medicine and medical equipment was hard on Richmond's Micah Au.

A penguin named 'Steveston'

If you see a red-beaded penguin at the Vancouver Aquarium, holler "Steveston" and see if he turns around. He might well do, given that his new name is hailed after Richmond's famous village.

Barn swallows find a condo

Once common bird now threatened

Entrepreneurs cook up healthy frozen food company

Experienced husband and wife team offer four to six new menu items every week

Richmond RCMP to lead code-of-conduct inquiry into S&M photos

Richmond RCMP is leading a code-of-conduct inquiry into a Mountie who played a bit part in the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton and appeared on an Internet website posing in sexually explicit torture images reminiscent of the pig-farme

Richmond Mountie charged with assault

A Mountie in Richmond, B.C. has been charged with assault causing bodily harm. The charge against Const. Inderpal Bal involves an arrest he took part in on Jan. 26.

Arts Calendar

Until July 28 City Hall Galleria Exhibit Local Richmond artist William Watt is displaying a selection of drawings and paintings at Richmond City Hall. The work reflects the beautiful B.C.

Mom, son have nowhere to run

Abused mom barely gets by, wants to return to Australia