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In the Community

Minoru Chapel Opera

Minoru Chapel Opera

Where there's charity, there's humanity

June of 1971 was a time of revelations for me. I was in Florence, enrolled in the University of B.C.'s summer school. "When you travel by train," said one of our teachers. "Ride in the lowest-class carriage.

Storm watch at Long Beach Lodge

The gale-force wind howled, the thundering waves pounded against the rocks as the swell surged. It was something to behold.

Become part of 'the lovely machinery for living'

This autumn I took the Canada Line downtown for the first time. Since I usually ride my bicycle to get around, I was unprepared for the experience of public transportation.

Become a more successful investor

These 10 lessons can help make you a far more successful investor: 1. Be open to learning: Science trumps salesmanship, but you don't need a degree. We don't hesitate to trust the disciplines of mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry.

Safe drive program needs help

Operation Red Nose Delta-Richmond kicked off its 2011 campaign last weekend by driving more than 200 people home safely from holiday festivities.

Give gift of giving all year

As I sit basking in the glow of my artificial sunlamp, it dawns on me that there are only three weekends left before Christmas.

It's all in the pronunciation

I had just started the second grade in Germany when we left for Canada. The day after we arrived in Richmond, my parents enrolled me in Sea Island elementary school. I spoke no English. I understood no English.

Dad's drive led to Blanket B.C.

Profound moment sparked charity

10th Annual Vive revving up

Great wines, tasty hors d'oeuvres, fabulous auction items and live entertainment - Does it get any better than that? Richmond Sunset Rotary Club thinks not. The 10th annual Vive Richmond is one of the club's premier fundraiser.