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In the Community

Random summer school draw eases stress levels

It's a far cry from 12 months ago, when desperate parents camped outside the school district's head office at 4 a.m. to make sure their child had a spot at the summer school table.

Investors can take advantage of volatile market

In the last year, the CBOE Volatility Index, a commonly used benchmark for market volatility, has ranged from 13.66 to 48.

Let life unfold naturally

We all have dreams about what we want our life to look like and how our lives will be used while we are on this planet.

Pennies for your charity

Travellers passing through YVR are being asked to dig deep into their wallets, purses and pockets in the name of charity.

Air Cadets shine in provincials

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets (RCAC) Richmond squadron held their annual ceremonial review Saturday, June 2 at Minoru Arena. In the provincial competition, under the guide of their new band officer Lt.

When we began to tell time

Aeons ago, before we discovered the need to quantify time in specific units, the world around us supplied our measurements.

Housing solutions sought

Richmond has about 2,000 secondary suites, but nowhere near that many are currently being rented out. If they were, Richmond's affordable housing problem could be significantly reduced.
Golf tournament tees off at $100,000

Golf tournament tees off at $100,000

The annual Richmond Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament raised more than $100,000 in support of medical professionals, patients and a new prostate cancer surgical procedure yesterday.

Westermark at CHIMO's helm

Lisa Westermark has taken over the reins of CHIMO Crisis Services. She replaces Joan Cowderoy as CHIMO's executive director after 13 years.

Plan your retirement income

Jealous of all your friends with huge pension plans? You have good reason! In many cases, even if they lose all their retirement savings, they still have enough income to cover a decent retirement lifestyle.