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Tell stories that best reflect you

What's the story that has shaped your life and is it true in this moment? We all have a story or maybe several stories that have woven throughout our life that seem to define who we are and probably more importantly who we are not.

What's the story that has shaped your life and is it true in this moment?

We all have a story or maybe several stories that have woven throughout our life that seem to define who we are and probably more importantly who we are not.

The story of who we perceive ourselves to be runs through our mind over and over again, telling us why we can't move forward or there is something wrong with us or that something is missing in our life.

Our minds are very powerful at grasping our attention, particularly in the vulnerable areas of our being.

When we are born we arrive into this life with a clean slate and we're nothing but pure love and consciousness.

Take a look at a newborn baby and you'll see how true this is. Then, as we begin to live our lives we are conditioned, with all good intentions by parents, teachers, friends, siblings.

Those experiences begin to shape who we are, based on what others have told us.

Then the day comes when we're at a crossroads in our lives and we start to ask the questions: Who am I, and what does my life stand for?

This is a blessing, although it may not feel like it at the time, it is an opportunity to look at the story or stories that have constantly shown up in your life that have shaped who you are today and to investigate if they are true.

The good news here is that you have the ability to set yourself free from these stories or any story by investigating deeply into them to discover if they are true in this moment.

Check it out, peel away the layers of the story like an onion, take one layer away at a time and reflect on what is at the core of that story.

You may come to the realization there is no need to hold onto this story any longer once you get to the core of it.

You have the ability within you to set yourself free of any story of who you believe yourself to be and begin living a life that is authentic in every way.

Lorraine Wilson is a Richmond resident, group facilitator and provides one on one coaching for those who wish to live a mindful life. For more information visit