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Demise of paper and privacy

Demise of paper and privacy

The venerable British tabloid The News of The World has printed its last edition.
Turning the table on city hall

Turning the table on city hall

The Editor, Re: "Some rules don't make sense for neighbourhood," Letters, July 6. I have to congratulate Terry Murphy and others like him on their regular letters to our local papers and do hope our mayor and council take note of their feedback.
Dilapidated building may be hazardous

Dilapidated building may be hazardous

Open letter to West Coast Environmental Law, I am writing to you about an issue I have worried over for some time - the dilapidation of a very old building in Steveston, ignored and now sliding into the Fraser River.
Christian tone appropriate for Canada Day parade

Christian tone appropriate for Canada Day parade

The Editor, RE: "Take religion out of festival," Letters, July 6. The Canada Day parade in Steveston is meant to celebrate Canada's heritage.
Other options are possible

Other options are possible

The Editor, On July 1 at the Salmon Festival, a group of concerned citizens got together to collect signatures against the Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities' proposal to set up an 80-million litre jet fuel tank farm in Richmond.
Property tax penalty unfair

Property tax penalty unfair

The Editor, Due to Canada Post labor service halt, I just received my municipal property tax today (July 5, 2011) in my mail box, to find the due date is July 4! I called the City of Richmond and the staff on the phone insist that I am liable to pay
Pedestrians dodge danger

Pedestrians dodge danger

The Editor, I would like to bring to your attention that on garbage days I have noticed people put their garbage bins out very neatly, and not on the sidewalks in the way of pedestrians.
Ilich quietly made our city better

Ilich quietly made our city better

Richmond lost one of its most generous citizens with the death of Milan Ilich last week.
What constitutes contribution?

What constitutes contribution?

Canada's war in Afghanistan -- the "armed conflict" that no politician or general wanted to label a war -- came to an end Tuesday with the transfer of battle command to U.S. units at Ma'sum Ghar.
Location needs fine-tuning

Location needs fine-tuning

The Editor, Re: "Market steals away shoppers say local merchants," News, July 6.