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Assessing the good, bad

Assessing the good, bad

Whether you like the provincial home assessment numbers will depend very much on where you stand. Assessments are largely flat, going up or down a few per cent in the past year.
Resolutions are far too convenient

Resolutions are far too convenient

I'm not going to mock politicians this year. For one whole year, I'm going to withhold my contempt, hang back on the snide remarks, and back off from cynically pointing and laughing at them. Except for a few exceptions.
Time for TransLink to look at big picture

Time for TransLink to look at big picture

The Editor, Re: "Unhappy resident shouldn't be allowed to hold up traffic," Letters, Dec. 2, 2011. With reference to the letter from Marion Smith, I have some comments to add to hers. TransLink claims it prides itself on being "Handicap Accessible.
Thank you, parade pals

Thank you, parade pals

The Editor, Thank you all involved for another successful Steveston Rotary Santa Claus Parade Dec. 23.
Trustees: It's your time

Trustees: It's your time

The Editor, Re: "Calling all Trustees," Letters, Dec. 30. While living in Saskatchewan, a similar thing was happening to the education system there. The schools were being drastically under-funded, and were working on a bare-bones situation.
Thank you, Richmond

Thank you, Richmond

The Editor, As the president of the Richmond Food Bank Society, I have been able to observe and appreciate the way my community supports those in need.
Clark & Co face federal waiting game

Clark & Co face federal waiting game

The federal government's decidedly right-ward shift has some potentially big implications for B.C. and whichever party forms the next government here.
Don't tip for tipping's sake

Don't tip for tipping's sake

The Editor, In recent years, a trend perpetrated by Richmond's restaurateurs has been insidiously gaining ground at the expense of hardworking Richmondites: a gratuity automatically being slipped onto the unsuspecting patron's restaurant bill.
Progress borne of outrage

Progress borne of outrage

If there is one way history will mark 2011, it will be as the year the people regained their voice. With luck, 2012 will be remembered as the year that voice brought about change.
Let politics entertain your life

Let politics entertain your life

When it comes to the craziness of politics, I usually feel superior to my American relatives. They labour under the delusion, fed by The West Wing and a narrowly focused U.S. media, that American politics are interesting.