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What Mulcair means for British Columbians

What Mulcair means for British Columbians

The federal NDP has made a historic choice in Thomas Mulcair as its new leader, and it will be interesting to see how that choice affects not only B.C.'s presence in the party but also the party's strength in this province.
Instill true life penalties

Instill true life penalties

The Editor, Re: "Keep death penalty dead," Letters, March 23. Never mind the death penalty. What's needed is a life penalty to toughen Canada's judicial response to all cases of capital murder by making life sentences truly mean LIFE.
Government strikes out

Government strikes out

A century ago, workers who decided to strike were risking arrest, imprisonment and violent confrontations in the streets.
Bargain in good faith, VAFFC

Bargain in good faith, VAFFC

The Editor, Okay. So the VAFFC has requested a second suspension of the environmental assessment of it's proposed supertanker port/holding tanks/pipeline project. And it was granted. That's the surprising part.
Keep death penalty dead

Keep death penalty dead

It is understandable that when we, as a society, are faced with a monstrous crime, some among us ponder capital punishment Paul Bernardo, Clifford Olson, Robert Pickton and now those accused of murdering young Tori Stafford - who hasn't considered th
Storybrooke filming disruptive

Storybrooke filming disruptive

The Editor, Re: "Merchants talk village's shift into Storybrooke," Community, Feb. 15. It is great for Steveston to be on the screen, but it doesn't bring business to Steveston.
Highrises downgrade city

Highrises downgrade city

THE EDITOR, Re: "As highrises creep up and up, fellowship falls and fades," Column, March 16. We have been living in Richmond for close to 25 years and are appalled at what Richmond has become.
Beware of city roads

Beware of city roads

The Editor, To no one's surprise, Richmond drivers have chalked up a record increase in red light traffic infractions! If our city council insisted on a few more full time traffic enforcement personnel, we could probably shoot for a World Class recor
Pay graduates, lower amount of dropouts

Pay graduates, lower amount of dropouts

As spring break ends, as teachers and students return to school (somewhat reluctantly in both cases, given recent labour clashes), we should consider the issue of salaries and payment. Nope, not for the teachers. For the kids.
ET returns for more observations

ET returns for more observations

The Editor, Re: "ET views love on planet Earth," Letters, Feb. 15. As an ET (Extra-Terrestrial) still trying to understand how earthlings behave, I was puzzled by two articles appearing on page three of a recent daily Metro Vancouver newspaper.