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Letters: 'Ridiculous' proposal to move Steveston buses

Richmond News reader is concerned about exhaust and impact on film industry.
A letter writer is concerned about a proposal to move the Steveston bus loop.

Dear Editor,

Re: "TransLink seeks input for new Steveston bus loop plan"

Moving the buses? That's just ridiculous!

Not only will this plan deprive the people living along Chatham Street of their street parking spaces but also pose additional challenges for our city's booming film industry which often utilizes these very same spots during shoots.

Not forgetting how loud exhaust sounds emanating from heavy vehicles like buses could negatively impact an innocent preschool full of young minds eagerly learning everyday - imagine having your child attend such school located next door.

A smarter choice you ask? 

Install an intelligent adaptive traffic lights system around third intersection leading up towards Chatham Street instead, allowing cars to proceed through while keeping safety standards high by restricting opposite direction traffic flow originating mainly out of Save-On Foods near back entrance.

Just saying...

Christine McKay


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