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Cyclists navigate narrow shoulder

Council could apply for funding to help pedestrians and cyclists in Hamilton.
Multi-use pathway
Council is looking at adding a multi-use pathway in east Richmond.

Council is looking at adding a multi-use lane for pedestrians and cyclists in Hamilton and they could ask the province to help pay for it.

A proposal will be before council tonight to apply for a cost-sharing grant with the province to build a bike lane between Fraserside Gate and Smith Crescent on Westminster Highway. Currently, cyclists and pedestrians only have a narrow shoulder – narrower than a metre wide – to navigate along.

The total cost is estimated at $1.1 million, and the city has already applied to TransLink for partial funding. This application to BikeBC would further reduce the costs, if successful.

According to a staff report going to council tonight, the city will only build it this year if they get at least half the cost in grants; otherwise, the project will be put off until next year.