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Hugh Boyd Football program launching new concussion testing program today

The Hugh Boyd Trojans Football Program begins its concussion testing today as approximately 30 Grade 8 players will undergo neuropsychological testing.

The Hugh Boyd Trojans Football Program begins its concussion testing today as approximately 30 Grade 8 players will undergo neuropsychological testing.

Hugh Boyd Football is taking a proactive approach in managing the cognitive function of its players by partnering with Axon Sports and using its innovative Computerized Cognitive Assessment Tool (CCAT) as part of a concussion management program.

The purpose of the Axon Sports CCAT is to establish and store a baseline of cognitive function. In the event that a player sustains a suspected concussion or other traumatic brain injury (TBI), the baseline results can be com-pared with the player's performance on an after injury test. This comparison helps to indicate any change in cognition and is an important tool in an overall concussion management program.

Hugh Boyd Football is also taking the lead with concussion management by purchasing the football Shockbox Sensor.

It is designed to be attached to the inside of a football helmet and provide an immediate wireless transmission to a smart phone when a player has experienced a head impact that could result in a concussion.

"Hugh Boyd Football has always put the most up-to-date helmets and equipment on its players, as well has taught them proper and safe playing techniques to ensure that they all are protected as best as possible" explained head coach, Bill Haddow.

"The concussion online test and Shockbox are additional tools to make sure that players are receiving the best possible care."

Trojans assistant coach, former CFL player and local chiropractor, Dr. Sean Graham is coordinating the concussion management program at Hugh Boyd.

Dr. Graham agrees that these resources are an important addition to the tools used by a qualified health professional in the assessment and diagnosis of a concussion.