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12-year-old Richmond golfer scores first place in junior competition

MJT Harry White Little Masters Tournament took place this week in Delta.

Four young Richmond golfers were listed as top finishers in an annual Canadian junior golf tour this week.

The golfers, between the ages of seven and 12 ,competed in the Maple Leaf Junior Golf Tour’s 57th annual MJT Harry White Little Masters tournament at Kings Links by the Sea course in Delta on July 10 and 11.

Brayden Ko, 12, took home first place in the MJT boys 11-12 division, shooting 71 and 78 with a 149 total.

“It felt pretty good knowing that this was a big event for the MJT Mini Tour,” said Ko.

“I knew that it wouldn’t be (an) easy win, so it felt good knowing my hard practice has paid off.”

Seven-year-old Grace Yumeng Wu was the lone competitor in the MJT girls 8U division and shot 103 and 100 with a 203 total.

“I am proud of myself,” said Wu. “I made friends and enjoyed the tournament.”

Meanwhile, Edward Yu, seven, and Avva Nguyen, 11, both finished third in the boys 8U and girls 11-12 divisions, respectively, with scores of 85-89 (174) and 84-83 (163).

The grand finale for the MJT Mini Tour National Championship will be at Tsawwassen Springs on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1.