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Richmond driver of Bond-style car shaken, stirred over bill

Richmond driver of Bond-style car shaken, stirred over bill

Jessica Liu is angry over $132,000 costs for repair of luxury, $200,000 Aston Martin
Stats dispute bad Richmond driver stereotype

Stats dispute bad Richmond driver stereotype

City is marginally worse that the Lower Mainland average for crashes, but actually better than Vancouver
Operation Red Nose was success

Operation Red Nose was success

Calls to the annual Richmond and Delta volunteer drive-home service were down slightly due to the weather
Waiting times too long for Richmond's special needs kids: Report

Waiting times too long for Richmond's special needs kids: Report

175 Richmond families waiting for extra support fo their pre-school children
Icy paths wreak havoc for Richmond pedestrians

Icy paths wreak havoc for Richmond pedestrians

Many stratas, businesses fail to comply with bylaw to clear their sidewalks; no bylaw for detached homes
Richmond council befuddled by illegal hotel fix

Richmond council befuddled by illegal hotel fix

City staff propose gamut of regulations to legalize illegal hotels. "The cows have left the barn," says Coun. Harold Steves
Richmond real estate lawyer may be unable to repay clients

Richmond real estate lawyer may be unable to repay clients

In an affidavit filed in B.C. Supreme Court Dec. 28, Hong Guo says 99 clients were affected by alleged trust fund theft
Update: Burned pit-bull getting better

Update: Burned pit-bull getting better

Isabelle is responding to treatment but is still in intensive care at specialist clinic
City of Richmond staff urge legalizing illegal hotels

City of Richmond staff urge legalizing illegal hotels

City lawyer and chief license inspector contend enforcement of short-term rentals is difficult
Densification coming to a main road near you

Densification coming to a main road near you

Only Coun. Day opposes new policy