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Kudos: Local groups boost Richmond Food Bank with generous donations

Coast Capital, Tzu Chi Canada, the Big Pirate Run and Fusion Football Club have recently donated to the food bank.

'Tis the season of giving, and what better way to kick it off than by acknowledging local organizations that have been supporting the Richmond Food Bank Society?

Over the past two months, more than $30,000 in cash and food were donated to the food bank.

A cheque of $25,000 had come from Coast Capital, whose employees also spent an afternoon helping out onsite, while the Richmond branch of Tzu Chi Canada donated $7,500 in addition to 180 pounds of tomatoes from its farm. Tzu Chi members also volunteer weekly at the food bank.

The Big Pirate Run, which was held in September, raised $2,250 and Fusion Football Club donated 374 kilograms of non-perishables.

Richmond Food Bank Society provides food to more than 2,800 people each week and is experiencing a "record number" of people in need.

According to its website, the food bank can give out almost $7 worth of food for every $1 donated. Using monetary donations, it can procure items needed the most as well as optimize storage space and human resources.

For those wishing to support the food bank, real estate developer Peterson will be matching donations of up to $10,000 between Dec. 1 and 31, 2023. This is the eighth year of the initiative and donations can be made online or by e-transfer, a cheque in the mail or by credit card over the phone.

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