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In the Community

Adopting the two faces of Janus

When the ancient Romans chose January as the name for the first month of the year, they were honouring their god Janus, guardian of doorways (whence our word janitor, originally meaning doorkeeper).

More funding helps immigrants settle

Newcomers to Richmond will receive enhanced immigrant settlement services to help them settle into their new lives and gain employment. More than $2 million in funding for SUCCESS and Chimo Crisis Services has come in from the B.C. government.

Teddy got to see Christmas

When 17-year-old Teddy went missing in the early hours of the morning, his owner was frantic looking for the blind and partly deaf dog. After a 90-minute search, 78-year-old Anne Hudson followed the sound of barking to a water-filled ditch.

Resolutions: Say no to negativity

For all the promise of joy, peace and harmony that comes with the holiday season, the reality for millions of people is that the season is anything but a celebration.

Win-win with donations

During this season, it is good to know that Canadians continue to be generous.

How's 'child poverty' different than poverty?

It was a banner week for those of us who live at the intersection of culture and immigration, although not much of the news was very uplifting.

Breakfast epiphany

Last week I went to Steveston-London secondary's annual Breakfast with Santa. For those of you who don't know, Breakfast with Santa is a fun, festive tradition meant to get students and staff into the holiday spirit.

Consider what it really means to be wealthy

Christmas has little to do with the gifts we receive. I hope my wife will forgive me for that statement, as she's spent most of her free time these past weeks helping out jolly Old St. Nick.
Rotary Christmas lunch for seniors

Rotary Christmas lunch for seniors

Take a break from turkey with moussaka

Bill (Vassillis) Lymberopoulos is a well-known figure in Richmond's hospitality industry. For decades, he has owned and run a number of restaurants, including Monterey Greek Taverna.