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In the Community

Dealing with your teen

Are you a parent with a teenager? Would you like to better understand what your teen is going through as he/she matures into adolescence? If so, plan on attending a free workshop called Making Sense of Adolescence at the Brighouse Branch of Richmond

Summer club reaches final page

Richmond Public Library's Summer Reading Club (SRC) has seen more than 5,500 kids reading and receiving stickers and prizes for their efforts.

Talking body, nutrition

Registered Holistic Nutritionist Orsha Magyar will talk about nutrition and the body on the second floor of the Brighouse Richmond Public Library branch Sept. 8 at 7 p.m.

Ask, 'what am I doing?'

From time to time, we should all question what we are doing with our time and with our lives.

Grocery orders could help school

A revolution is coming. Well, if they have it their way it is. One couple has made it their mission to get children healthy, schools funded and parents happy. And if their new business model is right, they will do just that.

Gardening through dog days of summer

If a garden contains crocuses, tulips, peonies, irises and rudbeckias, these in their order, will bloom from crocus time in May to rudbeckia days in the early fall.
PHOTOS: Birds of prey in Terra Nova

PHOTOS: Birds of prey in Terra Nova

Beating the odds as a team

Beating the odds in any challenge takes discipline, team work and perseverance. Managing your health or care giving are no different.

Learn tolerance, compassion

As a family physician, I've seen it many times. A mother brings in her once happy preteen daughter, now suffering from depression. The cause could be abuse or drugs, but most often it is bullying.

Reading club's final chapter

Richmond Public Library will be celebrating the end of the Summer Reading Club (SRC) with a special treasure hunt on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 9 a.m. to 9: 45 a.m. at the Brighouse (Main) branch.