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In the Community

YVR confirms mall switch

Vancouver Airport has decided to move its proposed designer outlet shopping centre into the shadow of a Canada Line station.

It's cleanup time in garden

The woods are full of fairies, The Sea is full of fish, The trees are full of golden leaves, Let's make an autumn wish. ~ Anon. The fruit flies have left, the soft heat of summer as well. Now, it is clean up, tidy up, and prep up time in the garden.

Restorative justice being served; association lauds program, community support growing

Touchstone Family Association is convinced of the benefits of its restorative justice program and wants to show Richmond residents why. With Restorative Justice Week coming up Nov.

Local celebs get hairier

Moustache Challenge fundraises for cancer research

YVR chief announces retirement

International search begins for CEO after 15 years

Scary sights of a Halloween dance

Some things about Halloween are inevitable: bumping into freaky witches while grocery shopping for corn on the cob, abandoning healthy eating plans for Aero, Smarties and Skittles.

Yard ghouls do their part for the food bank

It's like a scene out of a horror movie: a garage turned into a morgue haunted by freak, shrieking characters, and a front lawn inhabited by zombies, witches and limbs.

Richmond men get a little hairier

Moustache Challenge fundraises for cancer research
Yard ghouls do their part for the Richmond food bank

Yard ghouls do their part for the Richmond food bank

Its like any scary movie: a garage turned into a morgue haunted by the scariest of shrieking characters, and a front lawn inhabited by zombies, witches and limbs.

Gala raised $350,000 for hospital

The 14th Annual Richmond Hospital Foundation Starlight Gala raised more than $350,000 for health care programs and patient care at Richmond Hospital and other health care services in the community.