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Richmond adults play 'cat-and-mouse' game in parks

About 70 people recently came out to play a hide-and-seek type of game; games will be held in Burnaby and Richmond.
A hide-and-seek type of game called Cat and Mouse is being play in Richmond and Burnaby parks.

A new outdoor game called “Cat and Mouse”  is being played in Richmond and Burnaby locations throughout the summer - and so far the event has been attracting about 70 adults who still have a sense of play.

This past Saturday, the game was played at Minoru Park in the early evening. 

“Cat and Mouse” is similar to hide-and-seek that many people play in childhood.

“Players were hiding in many interesting places, such as climbing up trees, hiding under bridges, or even in restrooms, ” said Dennis Chen, organizer of the game. “We also have specific staff patrolling each area to ensure players' safety and to prevent them from hiding in dangerous places.”

This event officially started about a week ago, and games will be held every weekend in different locations in Richmond and Burnaby.

Participants draw lots to decide whether they play a cat or a mouse.

The mouse can hide anywhere in the game area trying not to be caught by the cats. If the mice don't get caught by the cats and are able to return to the starting point, the mouse team is considered the victor.

The cats, on the other hand, win by catching all the mice. The most valuable player - a cat who catches the most mice or the mouse that stays hidden the longest - of each game will receive an additional reward provided by the organizers.

“The weather is gradually getting warmer, so we wanted to organize this event to provide residents with an additional outdoor activity option,” Chen said, “We also want to help some overseas Chinese quickly integrate into the local community.”

According to Chen, many young people make friends through this game, and they also plan to hold social activities like camping and barbecues in the future.

Each game lasts about one hour, Chen explained, adding most players are between 20 and 40 years old with a 10-year-old as the youngest participant.

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