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Chinese New Year: The art of public exercise is alive in Richmond

As you pass by Brighouse library and Richmond Centre mall, you can often spot groups of Chinese people doing various forms of exercises. Some may wonder what they’re doing and why here? In Western cultures, people go to gyms to workout.
Chinese dancing
Public square dance in Shanghai.

As you pass by Brighouse library and Richmond Centre mall, you can often spot groups of Chinese people doing various forms of exercises. Some may wonder what they’re doing and why here?

In Western cultures, people go to gyms to workout. They do in China also — at least the younger ones do.

As in Richmond, there are all kinds of gyms, yoga studios and dance classes throughout China. But for older adults, working out is about more than staying fit; it’s also about having fun, socializing and gathering in a public sphere. These activities are also a form of public entertainment,

Public square dancing is one of the most popular activities among middle-aged and older Chinese, often organized by groups of women from their 40s into their 80s.

They dance to cheerful, fast-paced music in public squares and parks, often practicing everyday to perfect their moves. It is similar to western square dancing, but the music can be virtually anything you enjoy.

Kicking the shuttlecocks is also popular in China. All ages participate in this fairly highly-skilled and fast-paced activity that requires dexterity, energy and a lot of teamwork. The shuttlecock is a feathered object that has some weight to it and the object is to make it fly between participants gathered in a circle, keeping it aloft.

Even calligraphy is a kind of public performance. In China, calligraphers often gather in parks and squares to practice using huge writing brushes — about one-meter long, dipping them into water and writing on a hard surface on the ground. People gather around and share skills, make friends, as well as exercise.

With Richmond’s large Chinese population, it’s not surprising we see a number of activities here.

Public square dancing sessions are held at Richmond Centre, Monday to Friday, before the mall opens. Tai Chi sessions are held in the plaza in front of Brighouse library, and dancing, Tai Chi, badminton, and karaoke are all available through the Richmond Chinese Community Society.

All participants are welcome to join in these activities. Doing so will allow you to learn about the activities of another culture and stay fit.