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Promoting harmony in Richmond

Promoting harmony in Richmond

The Editor, Richmond Chinese Community Society (RCCS) has been serving this community since 1989. This non-profit organization does a great job in reaching out to the citizens of Richmond.
Garry pier: What's the Point?

Garry pier: What's the Point?

The Editor, The City of Richmond and its core of volunteers should be commended for the high quality of this year's Maritime Festival.
City blows hot 'n' cold

City blows hot 'n' cold

The Editor, Kudos to the artistic soul who designs the absolutely lovely median plantings, especially the ones around the intersection of No. 2 and No. 3 roads and Westminster Highway.
Monsters stranger than fiction

Monsters stranger than fiction

Since the stock markets are on fire metaphorically, and London and Syria and Libya are on fire literally, I thought I'd try to find something uplifting to write about this week. So I'm going to write about giant squids.
TransLink too shortsighted in transit plans

TransLink too shortsighted in transit plans

TransLink is patting themselves on the back for announcing they will be adding two extra trains per hour during rush hours in order to serve the ever-growing number of people using this line.
Call of wild trumps Wi-Fi

Call of wild trumps Wi-Fi

AHHH August. Time to pack up the tent, the cooler, camp stove, the smartphone and laptop and head out into the wilderness. Or . . . maybe not quite so fast.
Put brakes on speeders

Put brakes on speeders

The Editor, Re: "Clocking on to catch speeders, liars," News, Aug. 10. Take a drive down Steveston Highway, Gilbert Road, Francis Road, No.
Do the right thing, VAFFC

Do the right thing, VAFFC

The Editor, Adrian Pollard, director of the Vancouver Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC), states that the marine terminal, 80 million litre storage facility and pipeline (15 km upstream on the banks of the Fraser River) are ".
HST isn't at all neutral

HST isn't at all neutral

The Editor, Open letter to the proincial government.
Should city halls be getting nervous

Should city halls be getting nervous

Municipal governments and the tax dollars they spend have been thrust into the spotlight in recent weeks, and they are about to discover that scrutiny of their dealings is going to increase significantly.