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Thanks to voters, congrats to councillors

Thanks to voters, congrats to councillors

The Richmond voters, I wish to congratulate all of the newly elected candidates. I hope they will govern with common sense and commitment to serve all the residents of Richmond in the next three years.
The really real true story of Santa Claus

The really real true story of Santa Claus

Sit down, children, you're about to get a lesson in some stuff I just made up five minutes ago. It's important, and yes, there will be a quiz at the end, so pay attention, or Krampus will eat your feet.
RCMP needs to demand a culture change

RCMP needs to demand a culture change

If you haven't been taking notes, it's hard to recall the sheer number of black eyes the RCMP has gotten over the past year or two - or even the past couple of weeks.
Avoid tragedy, drive safe

Avoid tragedy, drive safe

The Editor, One drunk driver can sure take the glow off the Ashura, Hanukkah, Eid, Christmas, Kwanza, New Year's celebrations.
Come on Richmond, let's see evidence of Santa

Come on Richmond, let's see evidence of Santa

The Editor, My daughter has reached an age were she questions the existence of Santa Claus. In the hope of dragging the wonderful family tradition on for one more year, I searched for support.
Santa began as ancient goddess

Santa began as ancient goddess

People say that if we trace our lineage back far enough, well find that we are related, more or less closely, to some famous historic personage, like Charlemagne or Alexander the Great.
The really real true story of Santa Claus

The really real true story of Santa Claus

Sit down, children, youre about to get a lesson in some stuff I just made up five minutes ago. Its important, and yes, there will be a quiz at the end, so pay attention, or Krampus will eat your feet.
Slow down the season and enjoy it

Slow down the season and enjoy it

As Ive become older and busier, Christmas slips by ever faster. As you grow older, you begin to see how much more complicated the world can be.
Avoid tragedy, drive safe

Avoid tragedy, drive safe

The Editor, One drunk driver can sure take the glow off the Ashura, Hanukkah, Eid, Christmas, Kwanza, New Years celebrations.
Where's the Christmas cheer?

Where's the Christmas cheer?

The Editor, Over the years that I have been going to the Richmond Centre mall at Christmas time. There has always been Christmas music, though most of the stores have been lacking in Christmas decorations.