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Richmond doesn't need Walmart

Richmond doesn't need Walmart

The Editor, Re: "Walmart will ruin cityscape," Letters, Sept. 13. I agree 100 per cent with Mary Phillips' open letter to mayor and councillors in the Richmond News.
Muzzling research

Muzzling research

It is a sad state of affairs when scientists across Canada take to the streets to bemoan their interaction with the government.
Big thank-you, city, for Terry Fox Run success

Big thank-you, city, for Terry Fox Run success

The Editor, I had a terrible feeling the Terry Fox Run at Garry Point scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 15 was going to be rained out with just a very few brave souls in attendance.
Throw-away designs need tossing

Throw-away designs need tossing

Every year, local governments in Canada spend 2.6 billion tax dollars managing 34 million tonnes of garbage.
Cyclists dangerous too

Cyclists dangerous too

The Editor, Re: "Bikes still lagging behind," News, Sept. 13. "Is this a cycling city?" The question should be: How safe is it to walk on Richmond's sidewalks? Cyclists seem to think the sidewalks are made for them and not pedestrians.
Why have two MPs?

Why have two MPs?

The Editor, Is it true that Richmond will soon have two MPs representing us in the federal government? If so, one can only wonder if the new member of parliament will also unashamedly dine on endangered species, hold "no-English-allowed" press confer
Black sheep in every family

Black sheep in every family

Qebec seems determined to remain the "one in every family." This time it's "le bel enfant's" proposed Charter of Values.
Walmart will ruin cityscape

Walmart will ruin cityscape

Open letter to mayor and councillors, I would like to add my voice to the other citizens of Richmond, especially those who live in the city centre who have begged you not to approve the Walmart Mall as proposed by the developers and city staff.
Trace BC Hydro failings to BC Liberals

Trace BC Hydro failings to BC Liberals

Yes, your BC Hydro bill will soon become more expensive, and why shouldn't it? After all, most things in life become more expensive over time and why should your electricity costs be any different? And yes, the B.C.
Invest more in cycling, not oval

Invest more in cycling, not oval

The Editor, Re: "Bikes still lagging behind," News, Sept. 13. In reply to your recent story, "Is this a cycling city?" No, cyclists contribute nothing to the road system.