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Time running short to address local flood proofing

Time running short to address local flood proofing

The Editor, Re: "Storm surge spares city," News, Dec. 19 King tides and storm surges over the past few days should again serve as a wake-up call as to the flood predicament many of our low-laying Metro Vancouver urban areas are in.
Sign says it's free for jerks

Sign says it's free for jerks

The sign said that, if the checkout person didn't mention "today's daily special," she would be obligated to give it to me for free.
People can show Vision with gifts

People can show Vision with gifts

The Editor, Richmond News readers might be interested in knowing that across Canada people are discovering that what they buy this holiday season can change the world, one gift at a time.
Gun control needed

Gun control needed

Would you feel safer or threatened if you knew your neighbour kept guns? A lot of them. Specifically one handgun for everyone over the age of 21 in the home plus a variety of rifles and shotguns - all bought legally for "personal safety.
All can enjoy Christmas

All can enjoy Christmas

The Editor, Christmas is a universal celebration. Unfortunately, during the past few years, the political correctness has dampened this celebration somewhat.
Police numbers don't add up

Police numbers don't add up

The Editor, Re: "Why we need a Richmond police force," Opinion, Dec. 7. I would like to thank (Coun. Derek) Dang for his letter listing all the good things that we would realize if we had our very own police department.
Ear plugs for Christmas

Ear plugs for Christmas

The Editor, It would be impossible to fully express how sick and tired I am of the incessant construction that goes on in our residential neighbourhood.
Show some faith in Highway project

Show some faith in Highway project

The Editor, Re: "Exhibit - nice idea only," Choice Words, Dec. 5. Contrary to the letter, I believe the Highway to Heaven project is a good project for Richmond to help further the building of stronger understanding among people of different faiths.
Questionable claims in government ads

Questionable claims in government ads

The B.C. Liberals keep using your money to tell you what a great job they're doing managing the economy and creating jobs, but evidence keeps mounting that their claim to being financial wizards is questionable at best. First the B.C.
Plan burns green

Plan burns green

The Editor, Richmond Council seemingly has money to burn as judged by their latest proposal to put an (asphalt) path along the Railway Green Space.