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Letters: Make sure your muzzled dog can breathe

A Richmond News reader has some advice for owners of dogs wearing a muzzle in the summer
Basket muzzle

Dear Editor,

During the recent high temperatures, I observed a woman walking a muzzled golden retriever on the Steveston boardwalk.

The dog was frantically pawing at the muzzle and I later realized that the muzzle was preventing the dog from panting.

The American Kennel Association cautions that “soft muzzles prevent your dog from panting, which is the only way he has of dispersing heat. Panting is the canine version of sweating so these muzzles should only be used for very short periods of time and never in hot weather.”

Owners who muzzle their dogs should be aware of this potential danger they are exposing their pets to during hot weather.

Mike Riesterer
