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Olympian launches coaching business

Two-time Richmond Olympian snowboarder Alexa Loo has launched her own business endeavour. Alexa Loo Coaching provides gold medal coaching in business and sport.

Two-time Richmond Olympian snowboarder Alexa Loo has launched her own business endeavour.
Alexa Loo Coaching provides gold medal coaching in business and sport.   In addition to keynote speeches, team building and facilitation, Alexa Loo Coaching offers executive coaching and mental training.  
As a recent graduate of the Royal Roads Graduate program in Executive Coaching, Loo is a Certified Executive Coach (CEC). She retired after a long and successful run on Canada’s national team, shortly after competing at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Her successes as an Olympian bring a unique perspective and skill set to her clients as she supports them to take their businesses and careers to an Olympic level.
When coaching her clients, Loo teaches the mental training skills that she and other Olympians use to perform at their best.   The systematic methodology of executive coaching, combined with her solid business training as a chartered accountant and her drive as an Olympian, support her clients to develop their own Olympic attitude and achieve success in their business or career.
“As a keynote speaker I inspire and motivate people with my story of being an Olympian and overcoming my own obstacles,” Loo explained. “As an Executive coach, I take inspiring my clients to the next level:  making them the hero of their story and renewing their inspiration in their own career or business.  By working one-on-one with my clients, I am able to apply everything I know about business, achieving, and coaching to be the difference-maker for my clients.”
People are most inspired to action by their own “aha” moments.Coaching facilitates those experiences.
The coach approach includes:
•Works as a confidential relationship – creating trust and safety.
•Uses a systematic process of inquiry.
•Helps the client gain perspective and clarity and prioritize actions.
•Produces performance and business success.
•Holds the client capable, competent and accountable.
Coaching is used by top companies, including Coca-Cola, Nike, Verizon and IBM to increase employee engagement and satisfaction, improve output and increase profits.
“I help my clients to define and align their values and goals,” Loo added.
“Starting with a foundation of sound business practices, we use visualization and imagery to craft the plan for their success.”
For more information,  visit: or contact [email protected]