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Wood-frame Richmond developer heeds fire chief's advice

The developer of the six-storey, wood-frame building in Richmond that burned to the ground in a massive fire in May says he will implement the fire safety recommendations put forth by Surrey's fire chief when he rebuilds the project.

Tips for helping teens stay safe on the road

School is out and now your teenager wants to hit the road - in your car. In 2010, more than 49,000 teens got their first B.C. driver's licence, according to an ICBC press release.

13 per cent fewer sun hours reported

Frank Mirecki bounds up a set of stairs and on to a roof of an Environment Canada training facility in Richmond, grinning like a kid eager to show off a favourite toy.

Restaurant shut down in Richmond after cockroaches found

An invasion of cockroaches at Richmond's Golden Sea City Restaurant came to an unpleasant end during a health inspection last week. The restaurant, located at 145-8360 Granville Ave.

More raccoon attacks in Richmond raise further concern

More concerns are being raised after another vicious raccoon attack on a cat was reported on the weekend.

Workshops create sense of fantasy and magic

In Shakespeare's famous line from Hamlet, the words "mortal coil" were uttered to mean the bustle or turmoil of this mortal life. For the Vancouver-based Mortal Coil Performance Society, the words have a decidedly more uplifting meaning.

Pipeline review a 'good example' of EAO at work, says Minister

Minister of Environment Terry Lake defended the work of the B.C.

Raccoons kill, drag away another cat

The owner of a dead cat is posting warning notices in her neighbourhood after raccoons dragged away her family pet of 17 years.

Friend's need inspires girl

When Amber Martin opened up her daughter's lunchbox to see her school meals and snacks almost intact, she naturally assumed something was up. But when it happened a few days in a row, she felt the need to question 10-yearold Kiana Lowe.

Description of the workshops:

Mask Making: Mask maker Frank Rader will guide participants in designing and creating masks that express some of the themes in Mortal Coil's upcoming show Salmon Row.